Our Mission

Our mission is to support families and individuals facing life-changing and catastrophic medical issues by offering financial assistance when in need. We believe that during these difficult periods, your time and energy should be spent focusing on the things that matter, not mounting medical expenses. We hope that by easing your financial burden, you and your loved ones will have more time to adapt to the changing life circumstances and conditions that come with unexpected health challenges.

About Long Way Home

As a survivor of liver-disease, Michael Broussard has had first-hand experience with the emotional, physical and financial struggles associated with medical issues, as well as the significant impact it can have on an individual’s family and friends.

Being blessed with a second chance, it is Michael’s hope to assist others facing similar challenges. Through experience with being diagnosed with a disease, navigating multiple hospitals, doctors, financial institutions and sometimes legal issues, he and the rest of the team, hope to share not only their advice and encouragement, but the realization that this is not the end, but hopefully an entirely new beginning.

Long Way Home is a charitable organization benefitting transplant recipients in the Houston, TX area. Houston is an expansive and caring city that wants to help. Through our partnerships with local organizations and hospitals, we are making the help a reality.


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